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Sunday, July 22, 2012

World's First SolarKiosk Now Open In Ethiopia

On July 15th, the world’s first SolarKiosk was officially opened near Lake Langano, Ethiopia. The portable solar shop was designed in Germany by Graft architects and provides an “autonomous business unit” that sells energy, products, tools and services. With approximately 1.5 billion people around the globe who remain without access to a stable source of light, the SolarKiosk is intended to provide a safe and affordable solution for inhabitants in off-the-grid areas.

In the past, people in developing nations have typically relied on things like kerosene lamps and diesel generators, despite the fact that they are typically toxic, hazardous and expensive forms of light and energy. With solar technology becoming cheaper and more accessible, however, the SolarKiosk can now offer a clean energy service that is economical, even for the underprivileged.

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